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My Story


 My coach training was just a formalisation of a lifelong passion of helping people see and be the change that they want in their lives. I have done that throughout my career in the voluntary sector. 


One of the things that brings most joy to my life,is seeing the lightbulb moment and the shift in energy when a client knows they are the creators of what they want and can make that change.



A few years ago, I was earning reasonable money and working with some really amazing people but feeling out of sorts and stressed and knew something had to change. I just couldn't work out on my own what it was I needed to do. I was really bored with hearing myself moan about it and losing confidence in my own decision making!


I was introduced to coaching at this stage and invested in the support I needed to get some answers quicker than just going over it in my head, night after night.


Coaching  gave me clarity about my own needs, and confidence that I could achieve what I wanted. Best of all, this was coming from ME, no judgement, no advice, but raising my awareness of my values, beliefs, strengths and experience, I was able to start putting myself first. It impressed me so much that I decided to train to become a coach myself and use those skills in my personal and professional lives. But it was hard keeping up with everything, working full time, managing a team and studying in my spare time. 


Then I had a birthday with a '0' at the end of it and decided the time was right to make some big changes - an "if not now, when?" and "if not me, who?" moment. I gave up my full-time job, found a part-time role,  giving me the time and energy to study and get the most from the experience. 


A year later,  I gained my certified coach status with the Diploma in Personal Performance Coaching from The Coaching Academy and set up The Crossroads Coaching. 


In my practice, I support people dealing with and looking for, change.  Sometimes both at the same time!


My specialist area is supporting people living with and after cancer. I have lived, loved and worked with people during and after cancer, and acutely aware of some of the emotional, physical and wellbeing challenges that a cancer diagnosis brings.  


I support people after cancer treatment to get back some of the control they have lost in the process, feel more confident in themselves and their decisions and help them make sense of this new phase with purpose, setting and achieving goals that are meaningful to them.


But I also know that there are people who live alongside them and I can help them too. 


So if your life has been impacted by cancer,  and you want to make some changes, and have some lightbulb moments yourself,  please talk to me.







In October 2023, I had the privilege of speaking at a Share Your Story event hosted by the charity. Time to Talk Befriending. This short video tells the story of why I coach and what I have learned in this change of direction in my career!



It is never too late to discover what makes you happy, fulfilled and confident



Discover your future based on your core values and beliefs, do away with limiting beliefs and find ways to make change right for you.



The Crossroads Coaching way gives you accountability. You are ultimately responsible for making changes but I will walk with you and be your cheerleader.

My Core Values


This is your time; life is happening all around you.

Let's make a plan that works for you.

Getting started


Set up a free 30 minute introductory call so we can find out more about more about each other and to learn how coaching can be used to get the results you want to make your life vision a reality.

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